petite | planet friendlier | intentional fashion
welcome to fitte
hi, lovely!
we're fitte
[pronounced fit]
say goodbye to ill-fitting clothes!
at fitte, our mission is to
empower women.
we believe everyone,
truly everyone,
deserves to find clothes that fit.
we also believe that consuming and producing must only happen purposefully, and as planet friendlier as possible. that's why we make intentional fashion.

fitte - sustainable petite clothing
reserve yours | wait | wear
pre-order now closed
fitte fundamentals
here at fitte, we're building a community in which we value certain things. our core values guide us in every decision we make. if it doesn't align with these values, we don't do it.
01 include everyone actively
02 do it with intent
03 communicate with openness
04 cherish each other's authenticity
05 make it planet friendlier
intentional fashion

some call it anti-fast fashion, others call it slow fashion. we call it intentional fashion.
for us, there's a difference between just consuming/producing slowly, and doing so purposefully.
we only produce and consume what we must - intentionally. we do so through pre-order, so we know the exact amounts we're working with. there's no under- or overproduction: we're making intentional fashion.
another part of intentional fashion for us, is making sure you know as much as you possibly can about us as a business and the production of our fittes. we strive to be as transparent as possible, communicating as much information as we can (you know, some things need to stay confidential), so that you can make an educated decision on what you consume.